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Equipment Regulations Reminder


Please accept this memo as a reminder to all members who are required to follow the Hockey Manitoba regulations that are in place for the overall safety of players, coaches, and officials.  Unfortunately, Hockey Manitoba has been forced to remind several members who have been cautioned for being in breach of the current regulations for neck guards and helmet use. 

Equipment Regulations Reminder

Please accept this memo as a reminder to all members who are required to follow the Hockey Manitoba regulations that are in place for the overall safety of players, coaches, and officials.  Unfortunately, Hockey Manitoba has been forced to remind several members who have been cautioned for being in breach of the current regulations for neck guards and helmet use. 
Please note that Hockey Manitoba requires the mandatory use of BNQ approved neck guards to be properly worn by all players below senior hockey.   This rule was introduced to ensure the safety of all members is not compromised nor ignored and it has been reported that some members are not in compliance with the regulations during warmups or practice play. 
Hockey Manitoba is reminding all members they must properly wear neck guards for all on ice Hockey Manitoba activities including but not limited to games, practices, game warmups, skill sessions, individual on ice sessions, and showcase events.  Failure to comply with the mandated neck guard rule will be subject to Hockey Canada Rule 10.6.(a)(d) Illegal Equipment and Rule 3.6 (F) Protective Equipment.
Secondly, of equal safety importance, is the mandatory use of a CSA approved helmet by all High School, Minor Hockey Association (MHA) Hockey Canada Accredited School Programs (HCAS), and Skill Academy coaches when they are on the ice during team practices.  This rule has been in effect since September 2008. 
Please view Section K.9. on page 121 of the Hockey Manitoba Constitution, Regulations, and Rules of Competition handbook which states as follows, 
“Any on-ice participant (including coaches and team o­fficials) must wear a CSA approved helmet during all Hockey Manitoba sanctioned Minor Hockey activities.
Please Note: On-ice participants in violation of the above regulation (based on written complaint only) will be subject to the following sanctions:
First offence               Written warning
Second offence          One week suspension
Third offence              Suspended indefinitely and must attend discipline hearing
It is strongly recommended that all Junior and Senior on-ice team officials wear a CSA approved helmet.”
As league administrators we are instructing you to circulate the above notice to the teams within your respective league(s), High School’s, MHA HCAS, or Skill Academy programs to ensure all member teams are complying with the conditions of this regulation.

Thank you.

Peter Woods
Executive Director
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